Bioteen Health

Product Packaging

Objectives From The Brief

Bioteen Health, a prominent South African nutritional company, is strategically preparing for its entry into the United States market, scheduled for the first quarter of 2024. Our team has been entrusted with the Brand Activation of this esteemed company as part of our collaborative efforts.

My Concept

Bioteen aims to introduce its meal supplement, Maxi Meal, specifically designed for teenagers, into the U.S. market. Our choice of targeting teenagers is rooted in research indicating that American teens often engage in employment during this phase, coupled with the product's affordability. In line with this, I conceived the concept "Maxi Meal: Your Pathway to a W-Shaped Future."

The flavor names, "She's So Vanilla" and "What a Beautiful Chocolate Man," are carefully selected to resonate with our target audience, incorporating slang and Gen Z terms. This approach ensures that the product aligns seamlessly with the preferences and language of the teenage demographic, fostering a connection that goes beyond nutritional benefits.

Within the scope of our group project, I assumed a pivotal role in concept development and execution. This encompassed the creation of compelling concepts for various facets, such as product packaging, a promotional video tailored for social media platforms, and the crafting of engaging social media posts. My responsibilities were integral to ensuring a cohesive and impactful presentation of our brand and product across multiple channels.

Softwares and Skills Used


  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere Pro


  • Copywriting
  • Adaptability
  • Project management
  • Collaboration
