Cape Townian
Slang Terms

Augmented Reality

Objectives From The Brief

Design a simple Augmented Reality experience for an end-of-year student exhibition of your work, projecting a custom 3D object of your own design onto a flat surface.

My Concept

I've developed an augmented reality (AR) experience inspired by a prior project focused on showcasing data visualizations related to Cape Townian slang. In South Africa, the sense of connection among its people is strong, and they often resonate with one another through the use of unique slang terms. However, Cape Townian slang may sound unfamiliar to South Africans residing outside of Cape Town. Through the integration of AR technology, I aim to offer an engaging and exciting experience that delves into the intricacies of these distinctive terms.

To watch the project come to life:

  1. Use your mobile device
  2. Download the Artivive application on your app store or google play
  3. Scan the artwork
  4. Watch as my project comes to life

Softwares and Skills Used


  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Artivive


  • AR development
  • Programming
  • Data visualisation and Design
  • Understanding user experience
